
THE vendor-independent cybersecurity co-pilot that consolidates alerts across tools and allows you to interact with your entire IT security stack in natural language.

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Führende Unternehmen vertrauen uns, um schneller Bescheid zu wissen

"As an agile IT department in a mechanical engineering company, we benefit greatly from cybernality, which gives us the necessary room for maneuver thanks to fast response times and targeted information filtering."

Michael Heinrich

IT-system administrator infrastructure
MIWE Michael Wenz GmbH

"cybernality significantly supports us in maintaining a comprehensive yet customized overview of the latest threats and vulnerabilities."

Uwe Schildmeyer

Senior system engineer
Bechtle IT-Systemhaus Bodensee

"cybernality's information feed provides up-to-date and accurate threat data, allowing us to proactively respond to potential threats for our customers."

Marc von Eichstedt

Teamlead security services
Bechtle Managed Services GmbH

"cybernality helps us to systematically increase the speed of our response to cybersecurity threats."

Joachim Fehrenbach

Teamlead service operation center
Bechtle IT-Systemhaus Freiburg

"With Cybernality, we as a managed service provider receive information about threats much faster, which enables us to prioritize vulnerabilities and thus provide better customer service."

Manuel Kleinmann

Teamlead servicedesk & first level support
ACP IT Solutions GmbH

cybernality at a glance

Im Cyberintelligence Graph werden sowohl externe Informationen aus über 70 Quellen, als auch Kunden-interne (z.B. Configuration Items / Assets) gespeichert und miteinander in Verbindung gebracht.

Unsere Kunden können sich über relevante Ereignisse im Graphen automatisiert benachrichtigen lassen (z.B. per Email, Teams-Channel, oder beliebige Webhooks).

Im Co-Piloten Bereich lassen sich einfach Analysen durchführen und Konversationen mit dem Cybersecurity Chatbot führen.

Mit unserer API kann cybernality zudem tief in den eigenen Security Tech-Stack integriert werden.

Vendor-independent & universally applicable

Organizations often rely on diversity in the IT security landscape to provide the best possible protection against cyberattacks. cybernality supports this approach and integrates itself into the company's individual IT security stack, regardless of specific manufacturers, platforms or tools.

Code Präsentatiom
The flood of incoherent and inaccurate alerts spread across multiple IT security tools slows you down in your day-to-day work. cybernality makes you significantly faster.
The flood of alerts, the multitude of dashboards and complex queries increase the risk of overlooking dangers and making mistakes. cybernality increases the quality of the data and massively improves user-friendliness.
A shortage of skilled workers and an increasing number of cyber attacks require significantly greater efficiency in combating cyber risks. cybernality saves you up to 60% time in your daily routine tasks.
Our expertise does not end with technology. cybernality accompanies you comprehensively on the way to a stronger cybersecurity defense. We support you in planning, implementation and use for optimal results.

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The smart world for efficient and effective cybersecurity that integrates into your existing IT security landscape.
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